British newspaper The Guardian announces that increasingly more prostitutes from Eastern European countries (most from Romania) received warnings with the deportation from the authorities. Some of the romanian prostitutes were arrested after the police raids against networks of traffickers. Why are most women from Romania prostitutes? In Romania women in tight dresses means sexy fucking milf, beautiful mature Women and sexy means also hot milf. Sexy mature women with children means super sexy milf, milf nom. Age does not matter for many women from Eastern Europe, young or sexy older Women, the majority are legal or illegal prostitutes in country from Western Europe. Romanian prostitutes with hot gorgeous boobs and gorgeous big ass, have invaded European space together with their the dangerous pimps.
What means Romanian girls and women? Means hot girls and gorgeous women prostitutes on knees sucking cock, means rough hardcore hot sex, also means amazing female ass, naked mature fitness models, hot legs in mini skirt, erotic blowjob pictures, beautiful face cum shot, cock kissing, beautiful women sucking cock, sexy hot milf or girls in skirt showing panties or pussy. Not only the streets of London are filled with Romanian prostitutes, all Europe is full with whores from Romania. Why are the women from Romania the biggest whores from the universe? Sexy women shameless which "forget", intentionally omitted to say that they exceeded their condition from prostitution or simply because they live from prostitution. In almost any country from the Western Europe the number of romanian prostitutes is superior.
To the question "why are most women from Romania prostitutes" we have answers, more precisely causes. The leading cause is the education. The men from Romania "orients", "directs" their wives and their daughters toward prostitution, men without principles, real human trash. Another possible cause, determining factor, is the coruption. Romania is the most corrupt country in Europe. In Romania the penalties for corruption are symbolic. Too tight mini skirt for what? Hot european girls for what? For prostitution. Hot woman wearing skirts and dresses for prostitution. Romania is a huge brothel who export prostitutes in countries from western Europe. Romania is the first exporter of prostitution from Europe. The Guardian confirm this. Why are romanian women gorgeous? The answer can be only one: for prostitution.
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